In times of technological sophistication like now, it is possible to find additional income simply by browsing cyberspace or the internet. On social media where you can share videos like YouTube, it turns out that you can not only find entertainment or information by watching videos, but you can also earn money by watching certain YouTube content.
Watch YouTube Paid, How Can?
Every day, 65 thousand videos are uploaded to YouTube. With that many videos, not all of them have a high number of viewers even though the quality of the videos and content is useful. Therefore, several companies have sprung up by opening YouTube video promotion services. The aim is none other than to introduce and provide promotion on targeted videos to make them more popular or viral.
To attract viewers, they pay with the condition that you watch several videos with a certain duration, and provide feedback on the video. For example, like whether you liked the video that was watched, as well as guessing the category of the video.
Later, the payment method is in the form of points that can be converted into US dollars and paid through an online money transfer service called Paypal. Therefore, before you expect payment by watching YouTube, you must have a Paypal account first.
Unlike YouTube Ads
If previously we were more familiar with how to get money from YouTube by placing advertisements or YouTube Ads, watching YouTube paid for it does have a different system.
Because YouTube Ads payouts come from YouTube, which is given to the owner of the account that has the ad slot installed. Meanwhile, watching YouTube is paid if you enter the YouTube video promotion provider site, and the pay comes from that party.
How to Register for Sites that Pay YouTube Viewers
There are several sites that pay you if you watch certain videos on Youtube. Payments that can be obtained vary, according to the number or duration of videos watched, as well as the policies of each site. Here's a list of sites that pay YouTube viewers:
This site with the domain also pays YouTube viewers. However, viewers will not only get paid for watching the video until it runs out, but will also be paid to watch existing advertisements without selecting the "skip" option. If you recommend this site and bring in new users, you will also get an additional bonus, you know. The count of each video viewed is valued at around £ 0.0005.
To join Swagbucks on the site, you must create an account and become a member. How to create an account is quite easy because you can register with a Facebook account. Prizes in the form of payment for watching videos are in the form of points that are exchanged and converted in US dollars and then paid through Paypal.
Beware of Data Skimming Getting money by being a paid YouTube video viewer is easy and profitable. However, you need to be aware of the possibility of data scamming or data theft.
Considering that there are currently many pay sites for online video viewers available, and to become a member you have to enter your personal data. Misuse of data by untrusted sites is very possible. Therefore, you should be advised not to use a personal email address, and not to use a Paypal account which is often used to store large balances.
In addition to looking for additional income by being a paid YouTube video viewer, you can also invest your assets into various existing investment instruments such as stocks,